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1ftxk84a9kva***** VIN lookup for 1989 FORD F-800 (1ftxk84a9kva50394)

1989 FORD F-800
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1ftxk84a9kva50394 VIN is assigned to 1989 FORD F-800 . It is a TRUCK . It was manufactured by FORD MOTOR COMPANY. This 1989 F-800 is a Truck-Tractor.

Vehicle Descriptor 1FTXK84A*KV
Manufacturer Name FORD MOTOR COMPANY
Model F-800
Model Year 1989
Trim w/Ford Diesel Option
Vehicle Type TRUCK
Plant Company Name Kentucky Truck
Plant State KENTUCKY
body Image Id 66
Body Class Truck-Tractor
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating From Class 7: 26,001 - 33,000 lb (11,794 - 14,969 kg)
Cab Type MDHD: Conventional
Trailer Type Connection Not Applicable
Trailer Body Type Not Applicable
Drive Type 4WD/4-Wheel Drive/4x4
Brake System Type Air
Engine Numberof Cylinders 6
Displacement(CC) 7767.468336
Displacement(CI) 474
Displacement(L) 7.80
Engine Power(k W) 137.9545
Fuel Type- Primary Diesel
Engine Configuration In-Line
Engine Brake(hp) From 185
Engine Brake(hp) To 240
Turbo Yes
Engine Manufacturer Ford
NCSA Body Type Truck-tractor (Cab only, or with any number of trailing unit; any weight)
NCSA Make Ford
NCSA Model Medium/Heavy – CBE
Bus Floor Configuration Type Not Applicable
Bus Type Not Applicable
Custom Motorcycle Type Not Applicable
Motorcycle Suspension Type Not Applicable
Motorcycle Chassis Type Not Applicable

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