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1fthf26l1eka***** VIN lookup for 2014 FORD (1fthf26l1eka68771)
1fthf26l1eka68771 VIN is assigned
to 2014 FORD .
It is a TRUCK .
It was manufactured in FORD MOTOR COMPANY, USA.
This FORD uses and it's
has Cylinders with HP.
This 2014 is a
Additional Error Text | The error positions are indicated by ! in Suggested VIN. In the Possible values section, each pair of parenthesis indicate information about each error position in VIN . The Numeric value before the : indicates the position in error and the values after the : indicate the possible values that are allowed in this position The Model Year decoded for this VIN may be incorrect. If you know the Model year, please enter it and decode again to get more accurate information. |
Make | FORD |
Manufacturer | FORD MOTOR COMPANY, USA |
Manufacturer Id | 976 |
Model Year | 2014 |
Plant City | Kansas City; Claycomo |
Plant Country | United States (USA) |
Plant State | Missouri |
Possible Values | (4:01234789ABCDEFGMNPRSTUVWX)(7:ABCDEFGHKR) |
Suggested V I N | 1FT!F2!L1EKA23605 |
VIN | 1FTHF26L1EKA23605 |
Vehicle Type | TRUCK |