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1ftef14e3bpa***** VIN lookup for 2011 FORD (1ftef14e3bpa92019)
1ftef14e3bpa92019 VIN is assigned
to 2011 FORD .
It is a TRUCK .
It was manufactured in FORD MOTOR COMPANY, USA.
This FORD uses Gasoline and it's
has 6 Cylinders with 207 HP.
This 2011 is a
Additional Error Text | The Model Year decoded for this VIN may be incorrect. If you know the Model year, please enter it and decode again to get more accurate information. |
Displacement CC | 4000.0 |
Displacement CI | 244.09497637892 |
Displacement L | 4.0 |
Engine Configuration | V-Shaped |
Engine Cylinders | 6 |
Engine HP | 207 |
Engine KW | 154.3599 |
Engine Manufacturer | Ford |
Fuel Type Primary | Gasoline |
Make | FORD |
Manufacturer | FORD MOTOR COMPANY, USA |
Manufacturer Id | 976 |
Model Year | 2011 |
Note | Displacement is 4.0L 2V. |
Plant City | St. Paul |
Plant Company Name | Twin Cities |
Plant Country | United States (USA) |
Plant State | Minnesota |
Possible Values | (7:D) |
Suggested V I N | 1FTEF1DE3BPA80534 |
VIN | 1FTEF14E3BPA80534 |
Vehicle Type | TRUCK |