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1fthe34l6cha***** VIN lookup for 1982 FORD E-350 (1fthe34l6cha94398)

1982 FORD E-350
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1fthe34l6cha94398 VIN is assigned to 1982 FORD E-350 with a . It is a TRUCK . It was manufactured by FORD MOTOR COMPANY. This 1982 E-350 is a Cargo Van.

Vehicle Descriptor 1FTHE34L*CH
Manufacturer Name FORD MOTOR COMPANY
Model E-350
Model Year 1982
Plant City LORAIN
Series Econoline
Vehicle Type TRUCK
Plant State OHIO
Series2 Regular Cargo Van
body Image Id 95
Body Class Cargo Van
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating From Class 2G: 8,001 - 9,000 lb (3,629 - 4,082 kg)
Trailer Type Connection Not Applicable
Trailer Body Type Not Applicable
Drive Type 4x2
Brake System Type Hydraulic
Engine Numberof Cylinders 8
Displacement(CC) 7538.049440
Displacement(CI) 460
Displacement(L) 7.5
Fuel Type- Primary Gasoline
Engine Configuration V-Shaped
Engine Brake(hp) From 220
Engine Brake(hp) To 225
Engine Manufacturer Ford
Seat Belt Type Manual
NCSA Body Type Large Van-Includes van-based buses (B150-B350, Sportsman, Royal Maxiwagon, Ram, Tradesman,...)
NCSA Make Ford
NCSA Model E-Series Van/Econoline
Bus Floor Configuration Type Not Applicable
Bus Type Not Applicable
Custom Motorcycle Type Not Applicable
Motorcycle Suspension Type Not Applicable
Motorcycle Chassis Type Not Applicable

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